Sunday, January 20, 2013


DEAR SIR, YOU ARE THE CUSTODIAN OF ONE OF THE GREATEST SPORTS IN THE HISTORY OF WORLD. BASKETBALL - the very name - makes children swoon in joy - ready to bounce the ball. I am an ordinary person - and have played the game - with lot of joy. AND I THINK IS THE GOAL OF YOUR ORGANIZATION - BASKETBALL FOR JOY, HEALTH, COMMUNITY SERVICE. Since you are making great efforts to introduce this game in my country - INDIA - I am very delighted to share some of my thoughts with you. I HAVE BEEN COACHING THE GAME - for the last TWENTY FIVE YEARS - it all started as a programme to teach my son this game - and one thing led to another. TODAY I train rural and urban children of Bangalore and its surroundings. In a remote village I have built SUMPOORNA BASKETBALL SCHOOL - where an opportunity is given to the very young ones to learn the basics of the game. IT IS JOY FOR ME - JOY FOR THEM. Most of my activities are put up as STATUSES in FACEBOOK. and i have a blog THE REASON WHY I WRITE THIS LETTER IS - this - I think NBA should evolve a training programme - or an intervention programme - which strengthens basketball as an amazing sport. INDIA is unique in some senses. WE HAVE UNPAID - DEDICATED BASKETBALL COACHES - who are not in the mainstream of the game - due to various reasons. The administrators of this game in India - are not doing a great job - by any stretch of imagination. SO THE GAME is a hand-maiden of few city dwelling people. INDIA has two unique sports which are similar to BASKETBALL - KHO KHO and KABADDI - where you have millions of youth playing these games on a regular basis. They use clay courts for practice. And I have successfully converted such players into basketball players. SO IF NBA invests in an indoor basketball court - for the same value - ONE HUNDRED CLAY COURTS of basketball could be constructed. And this would give a great fillip to grass root promotion of the game. OF COURSE, there are many unused basketball courts also - wherein trainers could be motivated to start regular practice. I am a student of PEACE CORPS teachers - and I think what INDIA needs today - is a group of committed volunteers - who can join up with NBA to spear=head a programme - which suits INDIA. AND YOU WILL READILY FIND SUCH THOUSANDS OF VOLUNTEERS - EX PLAYERS - if you could provide the right type of direction. WHAT YOU HAVE IN USA - what you have in CHINA - are great examples of successful enterprise - BUT, SIR, INDIA IS different. You need to make a new mould. I am not very good at expressing my ideas - but this is the wisdom I think I should share with you. SUBHASH MAHAJAN

Friday, March 5, 2010


At SUMPOORNA, forty boys and girls master basketball skills and enjoy the matches which they play throughout the day and late evenings. During this time, YOU COULD DRIVE OVER and see a project that is unique in many senses. Grass root SPORTS PROMOTION in the last five years has made an impact.

You may want to INTERACT with these future players - you may want to impart some special skills that you have - you may just want to watch them.

COME TO SUMPOORNA - INDIA'S QUEST FOR GREATNESS IN BASKETBALL! From 1-4-10 to 31-5-10, the sound of basketballs will never stop at SUMPOORNA.


This is the time of the year when children need to learn basic skills in sports, as during the academic sessions it is not possible to have concentrated efforts for long durations. As a sports promoter [with focus on BASKETBALL] for the last 30 years, I am able to customise YOUR CHILD'S requirements, be it a residential or a day camp.

SUMPOORNA campus in a village location is the perfect `cocoon' for learning Basketball. This residential camp is for FIVE DAYS. This is followed up by the monthly camp at TUMKUR or BANGALORE [day camp] depending upon where you are located.

Boys and Girls between 9-15 years are eligible. Senior players will be admitted only after an aptitude test. Limited number of children will be registered on first come first served basis.

Camps begin from 1/4/2010 and end on 30/5/2010. Annual camps begin from 1/6/2010 and end on 31/12/2010.

Contact 99808 30145 or 98860 20145 or FAX 080-23452448

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


YENIGADALE - where it all began - a relationship between two organizations - SUMPOORNA and JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIYALAYAS. `Since you came - most of our children are crazy about basketball' - and a phone call `Sir, WHY DIDN'T YOU COME AGAIN'. These small tugs at my heart HOW CAN I `FORGET' Yenigadale. As long as I live, every year, at least once I shall come JNV, Yenigadale.

AND WHEN I AM TOO OLD TO COME - I SHALL ARRANGE FOR YOU TO COME TO SUMPOORNA! This is a promise. Basketball is no more a game for me - it is a medium of developing relationships with children. The older I get - the more I realize; the importance of playing in our life.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I, Subhash Mahajan, from SUMPOORNA BASKETBALL SCHOOL, call all basketball players of India. I need your collaboration - I need your experience - I NEED YOU: to set in motion PROMOTION OF BASKETBALL throughout the length and breadth of the country.

NBA, National Basketball Association, has grand plans to promote basketball in our country. They would visit the posh cities of India, do some clinics, train some hundred or so players. WHAT ABOUT THE HUGE BASKETBALL PLAYING POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY WHICH RESIDES IN RURAL AREAS. That is where the real talent lies.

Let us build a net-work of `rural tournaments' in player friendly environments for the young school children of our country. YOU ARE NEEDED AS NEVER BEFORE. You must create your own net-work and we must collaborate with everyone who is into basketball. Let us promote BASKETBALL in rural areas the way cricket is played.

LET US INNOVATE - AND MAKE IT AN EXCITING GAME! Every school shall have a hoop and its share of hoop maniacs. ARISE, AWAKE and stop not till an Indian plays in NBA.